OThis training includes entire make-up education in the form of basic training for all of those who want to become distinguished professional make-up artists, as well as various types of training for development of professional make-up artists.


Theoretical part of training implies learning about skin, basis of dermatology, working tools, decorative cosmetics and its content.

Teorijski deo obuke podrazumeva upoznavanje sa kožom, osnovama dermatologije. Upoznavanje sa alatom, dekorativnom kozmetikom i njenim sastavom.

Practical part of training implies working on live models, guided by mentor.

Make-up and all necessary material for work throughout the training are provided.

During this basic training, attenders have the possibility to consult, related to development of their personal marketing.

Upon completed training, all attenders get MOA Kit.

All attenders get a Certificate of Attendance, and upon completed training they take final exam to get završni MOA Academy Certificate on Successful Training.


Represents intensive development for professional make-up artists.

The attender improves chosen field with the help of educators.

Perfection lasts for two days with intensive and interactive work with models.

Every attender gets a Certificate of Participation.

Perfection is designed as individual development for make-up artists who are already familiar with the basis and have experience with working with clients.

Upon completed training, attender takes final exam to get MOA Academy Certificate on Successful Training.


Represents the level of perfection designed for all members of MOA education. It provides the opportunity of further cooperation and transfer of acquired knowledge to new MOA generations in the role of educator.

MASTER lasts for two days and implies work with more combined make-up styles.

Every attender gets a Certificate of Participation.

Upon completed training, professional make-up artist takes the exam and gets MOA Academy Certificate on Successful Training.

After they successfully pass the exam, professional make-up artists acquire the experience, tutored by educators, and they become MAKEOVER ACADEMY educators.

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